Karolina Numminen

Find your dream job without losing your mind

It's time to end the confusion and overwhelm. It's time to find you an exciting job in a field that interests you. I'll teach you proven strategies to take your job-seeking to the next level. You'll succeed without wasting time, energy, or your sanity.

Join my course
Profile photo of Karolina Numminen.

Succeed on YOUR career journey

Let me guess…

You're a smart, capable professional, but that doesn't seem enough to get interview invites

You don't understand what you're missing

You're not 100% sure what jobs to apply to

You're fed up with the endless stream of rejection emails

You feel alone and confused

You're tired of wasting time on job-applications

You hate having to rewrite your CV 100 times over for every job

You're flooded by random job-seeking advice and want a resource that would simply tell you what to do to succeed

I have a solution for you

In my Career Incubator course, I’ll take you through the entire job-seeking journey and explain exactly how to get the job you want. I’ll tell you all the secrets I’ve learned while working as a recruiter and share tools I’ve used with my 1:1 clients to guide them toward success.

After taking the course, you’ll have a personalized plan to set you up for long-term success. You’ll not just find a job; you’ll establish yourself as a desired professional in your field and kickstart a fulfilling career that ticks all your boxes. Imagine recruiters approaching YOU with job offers you actually want!

Join my course

Looking for personalized support?

3-month coaching package

Ideal for overcoming a specific career challenge, figuring out what you want in your career, working towards a promotion, making a smaller career transition (finding a new role within your current field), setting a better work-life balance, or returning to work after a longer break (e.g., parental leave). Includes 10 sessions and unlimited support in between sessions.

Price: 1450€

6-month coaching package

Ideal for a larger career transition, such as switching to a different field, transitioning into freelance work, starting a business. Includes 20 sessions and unlimited support in between sessions.

Price: 2950€

How it works

We’ll first schedule a free intro session to get to know each other and decide what package is right for your career goals. Send me a message to tell me more about your situation and to schedule the intro session.

Two women having a conversation at a table in a coffee shop.
Two people having a casual conversation on a couch in a living room.

How will coaching help me?

I'll tailor each session to who you are and what you need. I'll ask you many questions, offer different perspectives, and challenge you when I notice your thinking goes against what you want. The sessions are confidential and open for you to talk through whatever is on your mind. 

But we won't just talk! We'll also build an actionable plan to move you toward your goal, and I'll hold you accountable to get things done. 

You're in the driver's seat and decide how much additional support you need. I'm happy to be in touch as much as you want and share relevant resources to deepen the work we'll do in our sessions.

As a result of my coaching, you'll see countless positive results, not just in your career progress but in how you think and feel. You'll become more confident, decisive, and aligned with your values and beliefs.


Join my free newsletter, where I share tips to help you excel in your career. 


Two women having a conversation at a round table in a cafe.
It can be a scary moment to realize you're not all that happy with your job. Especially when you've put significant effort into reaching your current position or if it was once your dream role.  However, experiencing this feeling doesn't always mean you must take a radical step, such as quitting. More often than not, […]
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Confidence would easily occupy the top spot if I had to list the most common topics I discuss with my clients during our coaching sessions. No doubt, it's a huge topic affecting many areas of our careers: decision-making, taking important steps, trying new things, networking, and building relationships,....  Life gets a bit easier when you […]
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Two people having a casual conversation on a couch in a living room.
Deciding what’s next in your career can feel like a big puzzle, especially if you've been at it for a while. You’re probably not the clueless graduate anymore. You’ve ticked off a few promotions and have an idea of what you enjoy and what’s important for you. But you might also have more responsibilities (house […]
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About me

I’m a certified life coach, which means I went through a 4-month intensive training and coached under supervision (completed sessions where a more experienced coach monitored my progress with the client). To this day, I’ve completed over 100 coaching sessions and coached people across different industries.

Additionally, I have a degree in business strategy and several years of experience in different business roles. I’ve also worked as a recruiter for senior tech and business roles. I’m able to address your unique challenges even if you work in a highly specialized field. I also know the ins and outs of the job market and what top companies are looking for when hiring their highest-paid people.

Make sure you follow me on LinkedIn, where I share a ton of advice for job seekers. You’ll also be the first to know about my upcoming events, such as webinars and other valuable resources to support you on your career journey.

A person working on a laptop at a white desk with a plant in the background.
Profile photo of Karolina Numminen.

Why I coach

I moved to Finland in 2017 and went through my fair share of figuring out what to do with my life. While volunteering in employment support services, I was helping people with their CVs. But I found this was often completely useless because people didn’t know what they wanted to do as a career. No CV workshop could help with that. That brought me to coaching; I wanted to help people figure out their lives and succeed. 

For me, coaching is extremely fulfilling. I’ve always been very curious about different people, their paths, and their goals, especially regarding their careers. I love chatting about different jobs and helping people find happiness at work because it affects all other aspects of our lives. You’ll find I am very down-to-earth and easy to talk to. My sessions are filled with equal parts of deep discussions and laughter.

Client success stories

Wondering what coaching can do for you? Take a look at all the results clients that worked with me achieved.

"I only had time for 6 sessions with coach Karolina, but it was very transformative I would say. I finally made career decisions I had been putting off for years. It was like a fog lifted, and I saw new opportunities that I never thought were possible for me. I definitely feel happier and more fulfilled at work. Karolina helped me think about different options and make the right decisions."

"Coaching with Karolina totally changed my career game and I am super grateful for that. When I first went to her, my job was causing so much stress that I felt like I would burn out. And honestly, I was worried about slowing down at work because I thought I wouldn’t be successful. But in our sessions, I learned so much about myself, and now I really take charge of where my life is going. It's been like 4 months since we finished, and it’s funny that I'm in a higher position, making more money but working fewer hours."

"When we started working with Karolina, I had a million unfinished projects and focus and prioritization were a foreign concept to me. After just a few sessions things started to turn around and I went pretty quickly from procrastinating to finishing projects within weeks. And I also started a non-profit organization, something I've always wanted to do but didn’t know how or when. But the best part is that my relationships with my team improved big time because I actually had time to talk with them and understand them."

Book your intro session

If you are curious about coaching and are ready to make changes in your work, book a free intro session with me.

What we’ll go through:
  1. I’ll ask some questions to understand where you are and what you're looking for.
  2. We'll take a look at your current challenges.
  3. I’ll show you how my coaching could help with your specific situation.
  4. We'll plan how we can work together to get you where you want to be.

Get in touch

If you’re unsure if the intro session is the right option for you or are looking for a specific type of collaboration, feel free to open up about your current situation in this contact form. I’ll get back to you ASAP and suggest how I can help.

Contact Form